Saturday 28 June 2014

Final Thoughts and Happy Summer!

To all the parents of room 21, thank you for your support this year. I've enjoyed working together. To my students, thanks for a great year of learning. Have a wonderful summer and work hard in grades 6 and 7! My door is always open if you need help next year. 

Here are a few of my favourite quotes from the year that I wanted to share again.

“Catch! calls the Once-ler.
He lets something fall.
It's a Truffula Seed.
It's the last one of all!
You're in charge of the last of the Truffula Seeds.
And Truffula Trees are what everyone needs.
Plant a new Truffula. Treat it with care.
Give it clean water. And feed it fresh air.
Grow a forest. Protect it from axes that hack.
Then the Lorax
and all of his friends
may come back.” 
 Dr. Seuss, The Lorax

“Courage. Kindness. Friendship. Character. These are the qualities that define us as human beings, and propel us, on occasion, to greatness.”
― R.J. PalacioWonder

“I wasn't even sure why I was getting this medal, really.
No, that's not true. I knew why.
It's like people you see sometimes, and you can't imagine what it would be like to be that person, whether it's somebody in a wheelchair or somebody who can't talk. Only, I know that I'm that person to other people, maybe to every single person in that whole auditorium.
To me, though, I'm just me. An ordinary kid.
But hey, if they want to give me a medal for being me, that's okay. I'll take it. I didn't destroy a Death Star or anything like that, but I did just get through the fifth grade. And that's not easy, even if you're not me.”
― R.J. PalacioWonder

“If you can get through middle school without hurting anyone’s feelings, that’s really cool beans.
-Summer Dawson”
― R.J. PalacioWonder

" Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? ... And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. " 
Akeelah and the Bee, Marianne Williamson 

Go forward and let your light shine. :-)

Bronwyn Davidson

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