Thursday 25 February 2016

Feb. 22-26

This week in math students reviewed concepts in fractions, like what a numerator and denominator mean, how to compare different fractions, how to represent fractions and what a mixed fraction looks like. Next week we will learn about improper fractions and how to create equivalent fractions. 

In language we had a guest speaker, Barbara Erochina, come in to do a lesson on spoken word poetry. Students learned about spoken word, and had a chance to write some of their own poetry. We will continue with spoken word next week. 

In literature circle groups, students finished and presented their imovie trailers for their books. I was so impressed with the level of understanding demonstrated, as well as the creativity of their trailers!

In drama we read the book, "Henry's Freedom Box," then created tableaux, which they presented to the class. 

Homework for this week:

1) Read for at least 20 minutes each day. (Challenge yourself by reading grade appropriate texts.) 
2)  Complete the cursive practice. 
3) Read the text, "New Barbies Have Different Body Shapes Than Before" and answer the questions.
4) Bring in old magazines that we can cut up and use for collages about gender stereotypes.

Important upcoming dates:

Tuesday, Mar. 1- pool, gender stereotypes workshop with guest speaker, Michelle Cho

Wed., Mar. 2- French speech contest
Thurs. Mar. 3rd- danceathon
Fri., Mar. 4th- homework due

Bronwyn Davidson

Friday 19 February 2016

Feb. 16-19

This week in math students worked on solving patterning problems, including extending numeric patterns and geometric patterns. We also learned the patterns of divisibility and how to extend patterns in graphs. They wrote a quiz on patterning, which will go home on Monday to be signed. Next week we will begin to look at fractions, then decimals.

We continued with our inquiry entitled, "What is Freedom?"  and added the questions, "What is Diversity?" and "What is the relationship between freedom and diversity?" Students worked in groups to create charts that answered these questions. 

To celebrate Willy Reads, we had 2 guest speakers. All the junior students listened to an author speak about her novel and her experiences as a writer. In addition, Mr. Svenningsen read a book to our class and focussed on making inferences using context clues. 

Students finished their reading response for their literature circle book. Each group worked on filming their movie trailer in several locations, including inside, in the back yard and the Glen Manor ravine.  Final products will be put together next week!

Homework for this week:

1) Read!
2) Create a Bitstrips comic that has the following main idea: there is richness in diversity. 
3) Finish your reading response to your literature circle book if it's not finished yet. 

Important upcoming dates:

Tuesday, Feb. 23- pool, Scholastic Book Fair (Bring money if you want to buy a book.) 
Wednesday, Feb. 24- spoken word poet guest speaker and workshop
Thurs. Feb. 25 - homework due
Friday, Feb. 26- ski trip 

Bronwyn Davidson

Thursday 11 February 2016

Feb. 8-12

This week in math students worked on solving patterning problems, including extending numeric patterns and geometric patterns. There will be a quiz on patterning, that includes algebra, next Friday. 

We continued with our inquiry entitled, "What is Freedom?" We began to read a non-fiction text entitled, Working for Freedom, and focused on the key features of non-fiction. We continue to work on using context clues to prove inferences while reading. 

Students continue to work on a reading response for their literature circle book. Each group is now working together to plan and film a movie trailer for their book, using imovie. 

In science the grade 6s participated in Scientists in the School, and learned about electricity. The grade 5s learned about the transformation of energy.  They then put theory into practice by transforming chemical energy into electrical energy, then into kinetic, sound and light energy.

Homework for this week:

There will be ho homework this week, due to the Family Day long weekend. Have a great weekend!

Important upcoming dates:

Friday, Feb. 12- PA day for interviews
Monday, Feb. 15- Family Day
Tues. Feb 16-19 Willy Reads
Tuesday, Feb. 16- pool, filming for imovie trailers, visiting author in the PM
Thurs. Feb. 18- dress as your favourite book character day
Friday, Feb. 19- math quiz on patterning and algebra

Bronwyn Davidson

Friday 5 February 2016

Feb. 1-5

This week in math students worked on solving patterning problems, including input/output tables and extending numeric patterns. Students also learned how to extend patterns of shapes, such as rectangles, and use tables to predict patterns. 

We continued with our inquiry entitled, "What is Freedom?" We watched this powerful video and discussed the main idea:

Students finished their literature circle books and completed a movie poster for their book. Students are also working on a reading response for their book. Each group is working together to plan a movie trailer for their book, using imovie. Filming will start next week!

Homework for this week:

1) Choose a new novel to read and read each day. 
2) Complete the math on patterning.
3) spelling- prefeixes and suffixes
4) editing

Important upcoming dates:
Tuesday, Feb. 9- report cards go home
Wed., Feb. 10- recognition assembly at 12:40
Thursday, Feb. 11- homework due, interviews
Friday, Feb. 12- PA day for interviews
Monday, Feb. 15- Family Day

Bronwyn Davidson