Friday 3 October 2014

Oct. 3-10

This week in math the students worked on long division.  We continued to discuss our first inquiry topic, which is overcoming challenges, and focused on Ruby Bridges. The students created a triple Venn diagram comparing Ruby Bridges, Terry Fox and Malala- lots of deep thinking! We also practised the strategy, "say something." Have your child explain the strategy to you and practise it while reading at home. 

We spent some time talking about failure, and how failure is sometimes part of learning and growing. 

The students also continued to work on independent writing and their personal narratives. They  "made friends" with the dictionaries and thesauruses and we looked at how to use each tool to help improve their writing.  In science the grade 6s presented their infographic posters on planets, while the grade 5s presented their life-sized posters of the different human body systems. We also began to discuss the different levels of government in Canada, and the upcoming municipal election, which lead to a heated conversation! 

Important upcoming dates:

Thursday, Oct. 9th: cross country meet
Friday, October 10th: homework due; pool (homework is due on Friday because of the meet)

Homework for this week:

1) Read for at least 20 minutes each night. 
2) Complete the cursive worksheets. 
3) Complete the math work on long division and the 6 times tables mad math minute. 
4) Complete the spelling work on " i before e, except after c."
5) Complete the reading activity on Rick Hansen and answer the questions. 
6) Start to gather information about who you will vote for in the municipal election.
7) Watch the following movie trailer:
Comment below on the blog by answering this question: Much like book authors, screenwriters write movies with a message. Based on the trailer, what do you think the screenwriter's message is? (What is he/she trying to teach the world?)

Bronwyn Davidson

1 comment:

  1. Hi this is Ellie, and I think that the main idea is that no matter how bad life is there is always hope!!!
