Friday 26 September 2014

Sept. 26- Oct. 3

This week in math we continued our first numeracy unit. The grade 5s continued to work on multiplication, while the grade 6s learned to solve problems using the order of operations, or BEDMAS. There will be a quiz on these concepts on Tuesday, Sept. 30th. 

In language we continued our independent reading program and our read aloud of the novel, "I Am Malala."  We continued to discuss our first inquiry topic, which is overcoming challenges, and focused on Terry Fox. We now have some quotes by Terry up on our window to remind us of his strength.

The students continued to work on independent writing and we began to write personal narratives as well.  In science the grade 6s continued their inquiry on planets, while the grade 5s worked on their  life-sized posters of the different human body systems. 

Important upcoming dates:

Tuesday, Sept. 30th: math quiz -gr.  long multiplication, multiplying with multiples of 10 ; gr. 6s- long multiplication and order of operations (BEDMAS) 
Thursday, Oct. 2nd: homework due
Friday, Oct. 3rd: pool 

Homework for this week:

1) Read for at least 20 minutes each night. 
2) Complete the cursive worksheets. Students who wrote me a persuasive letter in cursive are exempt from this. Letters can be submitted anytime. 
3) Complete the math work. Review the 5 and 6 times tables. 
4) Complete the spelling work on plural nouns.
5) Complete the cloze reading activity by writing words in the blanks of the story that make the most sense. 

Bronwyn Davidson

1 comment:

  1. I thought it was very touching. It is about Stephen Hawkins. He has a disease that will slowly paralyze him and he has 2 years to live. But he doesn't give up and faces all these different challenges, like not being able to talk. That is what I think.
