Friday 10 October 2014

Oct. 10-17

This week in math the students worked on solving word problems, including multi-step problems. The students also practised a different way to do long multiplication, called lattice multiplication. There will be a math quiz on Wednesday that will cover long divison, long multiplication, order of operations for grade 6's and word problems.  

We continued to discuss our first inquiry topic, which is overcoming challenges and learning from failure, and read the book, "Something Beautiful," while focusing on the skill of finding the main idea.  We also watched this powerful video, and discussed then wrote a response to the question: "Did he fail? Why or why not? Justify your answer. " This could lead to some rich conversations at home as well. 

Students finished and evaluated their personal narrative stories and continued with independent writing. The students also began personal spelling lists to help focus on challenging words and how to remember them. Students received their CASI marks, which is a reading test, and reflected on how to improve. Ask your child about his/ her mark and how he/she can improve their reading responses. 

In science students finished their presentations on planets and body systems. We also did an election poll for our upcoming municipal election. The results of our class poll were:

Olivia Chow: 1
John Tory: 8
Doug Ford: 3
other: 0
undecided: 4
absent: 7

It looks like it's still anyone's race in room 21!

Important upcoming dates:

Monday, Oct. 13th: Thanksgiving
Tuesday, Oct. 14th: picture day! 
Wednesday, Oct. 15th: math quiz
Monday, Oct. 20th: pool ( We'll have pool on Mondays for a few weeks.) 

Homework for this week:

1) Read for at least 20 minutes each night. 

Because it is Thanksgiving weekend, no other homework will be assigned. A book chat assignment has been included in the homework folder. Students will sign up for a time in the next month to present their book chat. 

Happy Thanksgiving! 

Bronwyn Davidson

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