Friday 20 February 2015

Feb. 20-27

This week in math the students learned how to multiply and divide decimal numbers. We will have a quiz next Tuesday on decimal numbers, including rounding, comparing, adding, subracting, and comparing decimals and fractions. Grade 6s will also be tested on multiplying and dividing decimal numbers as well as percent.

In language students continued to work on speech writing. Many students have finished their rough drafts and practised saying their speeches out loud while timing themselves. Speeches need to be between 2-3 minutes long. Some students have begun to write their speeches on cue cards. Speeches will be presented during the week of March 2-6th. In guided reading our focus has been on using evidence from the text to support an inference.

We also continued to think about our inquiry on power. We read the book, "I Have the Right to Be a Child," and discussed children's rights, as outlined in the Convention on the Rights of Children. We made connections to our prior knowledge on the topic and discussed how it relates to power. Students learned that children have the least power and therefore need to be protected. 

Important upcoming dates:

Monday, Feb. 23rd: pool
Tuesday, Feb. 24th: math quiz
Thurs., Feb. 26th  homework due, danceathon

Homework for this week:

1) Read for at least 20 minutes each night. You will complete a third "Retell, Relate, Reflect" next week. 
2) Complete the decimals work for math. 
3) Practise typing for 10 minutes each day. Use one of the websites on the blog.
4) Complete the spelling work on homonyms. Their/ there and they're misuse is a big pet peeve of mine, almost as much as good vs. well!
5) Read the text, "Nearly 60 years ago Rosa Parks refused to change seats on the bus," then answer the questions attached.
6) Complete your speech if it's not already complete and memorize it. Read it aloud many times! It's even better practice if you have an audience. Work on intonation and eye contact. 

Bronwyn Davidson

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