Thursday 3 April 2014

April 4- April 10

We've had another busy week in rm. 21. In math the students learned how to multiply and divide decimal numbers by 10, 100 and 1000 by moving the decimal to the right or left. You can help reinforce these concepts by pointing out real uses, like calculating how much to leave for a tip at a restaurant. In language the students met with their literature circle groups to discuss their chosen novel, which will be finished next week. We also read a non-fiction text about the invention of basketball, and had fun reading Shel Silverstein poems aloud and choosing favourites.  In science the grade 6's have begun working with electricity kits. They tested different materials for conductivity and created circuits using batteries, wire and light bulbs. The grade 5's began exploring the transformation of energy. We began our last inquiry unit, which is closely tied to social studies. We're asking, "What does it mean to be Canadian?" and "In what ways are we connected to the past?" We will explore these concepts through language, social studies and drama in the weeks to come. 

Important dates this week:

Wednesday: literature circle meeting #6 (the last one)
Thursday: homework due, pool, library
Friday: school track and field day (Students need running shoes and clothes that are appropriate for running and being outside all morning.) 

Homework for this week:
1) Practise those times tables!!!
2) Complete the math work on decimals.
3) Update your personal spelling list and study those words.
4) Finish your novel and be prepared for the last meeting with your role sheet complete.
5) In your language homework notebook, answer the following question in paragraph form. Don't forget an introduction, transition words and a conclusion.
We can categorize characters as flat or round. Flat characters don't change at all throughout the story, while round characters change. (For a review of flat and round characters, go to  Choose one character from your novel who is a round character and explain how he/she has changed since the beginning of the story. 

Bronwyn Davidson

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