Wednesday 18 September 2013

week 3

Thank you to all parents who came out to the BBQ and curriculum night. It was great to see so many parents in the room, and the students really enjoyed re-reading the messages of encouragment today that you left for them.

A few notes on upcoming events:
  • Book fair purchases can be made on Thursday. (Send money with your child to purchase books)
  • Our first math tests will be returned Thursday. Please sign the test and return it. This will help give you an indication of how things are going in math. 
  • Homework folders will be sent home on Friday, to be returned, completed, the following Thursday.

As outlined in the homework policy sent home on the first day of school, there are many purposes for homework. It will be used to review concepts, practice skills, and teach time management skills. You can help your child be successful by helping them manage their time each day and weekly. Also, provide a quiet place to study and be available for questions. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at

This week’s homework:

1)   Read “Words at Play” and complete p. 8.
2)   Write a poem that rhymes on any topic, in any form. Remember a title!
3)   Complete “Multiplying 2-digit numbers” in math.
4)   Complete the cursive sheets.
5)   Go to the class website, then to the typing practice link. Practise for 10 minutes each day.
6)   As always, read for at least 20 minutes each day and practise timestables.


Bronwyn Davidson

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