Friday, 29 April 2016

April 25-29

This week in math students practiced transforming objects, by translating, rotating and reflecting. We also reviewed the names of 3D solids and matched the solids with their nets. Students also drew top, side and front perspectives of 3D solids. 

In language students began their outline and rough drafts of their persuasive business letter. We wrote a letter together as a class and shared the writing, revising and editing process. We will continue to work on the letters next week. The due date for the final copy is Friday, May 6th. 

We also finished our read aloud of the novel, "A Night Divided." One of the highlights of my week was witnessing the entire class chanting, "Read aloud! Read aloud!" when we were about to finish the book. It was an exciting novel, and gave us all a first hand perspective of life in East Germany in the 60's. I think that we all appreciate freedom in a new way after having read this book. 

Finally, we had a field trip to the Fox theatre where we watched an independent eco film entitled, "Chemerical." As a debrief we discussed how the film impacted us as viewers and from an environmental standpoint. Students now have a membership to Take Action films where they can watch other films made by the same producer. 

Homework for this week:

1) Read for at least 20 minutes each day.
2) Read the article, "Astronauts Return from Year in Space" and answer the questions.
3) Complete the math work on transformations. 

Important upcoming dates:
Monday, May 2nd: field trip to Science Centre
Thursday, May 5th: pool, math quiz
Friday, May 6th: persuasive writing due (This is being written in class, but final copies may be typed at home.)

Friday, 22 April 2016

April 18-22

This week in math students learned about the different types of transformations, including translations, rotations and reflections. In science students presented their device, toy or product that shows a transformation of energy. Students also presented their commercial to sell their device. In addition, students presented their speeches. (It was a busy week!)  I was so impressed with the students' writing and delivery!

This week we began our last inquiry of the year, which centres around the question, "What does it mean to be Canadian?" We analyzed the work of Canadian artists at the AGO and brainstormed a list of key values. Students will choose a key value and issue, and will write a persuasive business letter to a person in Canada in a position of value to try to create change. 

Homework for this week:

1) Read for at least 20 minutes each day.
2) Choose a topic for your letter and research if necessary. 

Important upcoming dates:
Tuesday, April 26: track and field day (AM for juniors) 
Thursday, April 28: pool
Friday, April 29: Fox theatre field trip
Monday, Mar. 2: Science Centre field trip

Friday, 15 April 2016

April 11-15

This week in math students reviewed concepts in decimals and wrote a quiz on decimals. That quiz included percents and ratios for grade 6s. The quiz will be handed back to go home to be signed early next week. Our next strand will be geometry. 

In language and science students continued their project of creating a toy, device or product that transforms energy. They are also creating a commercial to sell their product. 
Students also continued to work on a speech that will be presented to the class. Students will refined their science projects, commercials and speeches during the week. They will present next week. 

On Thursday our class took a trip to the AGO. We looked at the works of various Canadian artists, including Tom Thomson and Lauren Harris. In the afternoon students participated in a workshop, creating prints. Many thanks to our parent volunteers, Howard and Tanja, for coming with us!

Homework for this week:

1) Read for at least 20 minutes each day.
2) Practice saying your speech so that you're ready to present on your due date. 

Important upcoming dates:
Thursday, April 21: grad photos, pool
Friday, April 29: Earth day

Friday, 8 April 2016

April 4-8

This week in math students learned how to divide decimal numbers by 10, 100, 1000 and how to use long division when dividing decimals. Grade 6s also learned how to multiply by 0.1, 0.01 and 0.001, as well as how to calculate percent and use ratios. There will be a quiz next Wednesday. The quiz will cover fractions, decimals and, for grade 6s, percent and ratios. 

In language and science students continued their project of creating a toy, device or product that transforms energy. They are also creating a commercial to sell their product. 
Students also continued to work on a speech that will be presented to the class. Students will refine their science projects, commercials and speeches next week. The following week they will present them to the class.  

Homework for this week: (Due on Wednesday, because of the field trip and PA day.)

1) Read for at least 20 minutes each day.
2) Complete the math.
3) Complete the comma and semi-colon practice. 
4) Practice saying your speech if you're finished writing it. (A reminder that rough drafts must be written at school.) 

Important upcoming dates:

Wed., Apr. 13: homework due, Day of Pink (Wear pink in support of anti-bullying.), math quiz
Thurs., Apr. 14: field trip to the AGO (no pool this week) 
Friday, April 15th: PA day

Monday, 4 April 2016

March 28- April 1

This week in math students learned how to add and subtract decimal numbers, as well as multiply them by 10, 100, 1000 and by another decimal number. Next week students will learn how to divide decimals. Grade 6s will learn how to multiply by 0.1, 0.01 and 0.001. 

In language and science students continued their project of creating a toy, device or product that transforms energy. I provided all the electrical equipment for the students from a store called Creatron. Students have been asked to provide additional materials, like boxes or Lego, from home. Students will continue to build their device this week. 

Students also started working on a speech that will be presented to the class. Students can choose any topic, and can choose to write to persuade, amuse or inform. They worked on brainstorming topics and creating an outline. We also read and watched several examples of speeches and evaluated the speakers. Students gave positive feedback and constructive criticism in order to develop a better understanding of how to write and deliver an effective speech. 

Homework for this week:

Homework will begin again starting on Friday, April 8th. Students need to continue to read for at least 20 minutes each day.

Important upcoming dates:

Thursday, April 7th; pool
Wed., Apr. 13: day of pink
Thurs., Apr. 14: field trip to the AGO
Friday, April 15th: PA day