Monday 23 November 2015

French class update

Here is an update from Mme. Helder regarding French class:

In French class, we have been working on a unit about classroom supplies. This is an important unit because it gives students the vocabulary they need in order to communicate in simple, practical ways about the objects they use daily in the classroom. The kids have played a game where they had to guess what supplies were hidden in a bag, and a clue-like game where they had to use deduction skills to discover a secret sentence. These games helped them learn a few different ways to formulate questions and responses. They have also done some reading and listening activities throughout the unit. In the coming week, we are going to focus on prices, and we'll even create a shopping list and a budget. This is a great opportunity for some financial literacy learning. If you are looking for ways to extend their learning at home, here are a few ideas:

1. Involve them in the creation of a shopping list
2. Teach them a little bit about how you budget (shopping or groceries are a simple example)
3. Give opportunities for some real-life calculations while out shopping together
4. Practice French numbers as they can get complicated past 60! 

Our final activity will be to simulate a shopping experience, the kids are pretty excited about it! 


Sherise Helder

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